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 Brainwave Engineer Discovered New Audio Technology To Support Your Brain's Neural Pathway Growth, memory, cognitive function and mental endurance

" Here is How the Latest Science Can Help With  Improving Your Cognitive Function, Regaining Your Brain Power So That You Feel Much Younger with Full Vitality"

Are you or someone you know suffering from any of the following:

  • Slow or declining mental function and poor memory / forgetfulness
  • A lack of energy, vitality and enthusiasm for life
  • Brain-fog, mental fatigue and frequent exhaustion
  • Detachment from life and interaction with people
  • Depression, anxiety or mental instability
  • Poor sleeping patterns or insomnia

Then read on to discover an effective solution based on REAL Science. 

Morry Zelcovitch

Certified Brainwave Entrainment Engineer

About the Developer

Morry is one of the true pioneers of the audio entrainment field.  He has been at the forefront of the brainwave entrainment field for over forty years and takes great pride in his unique and proprietary approach to audio entrainment.

He is the creator of a new proprietary technology/methodology - TMM (The Morry Method) - which uses sound to evoke certain brainwave states and which helps the listener to experience truly beneficial results.

“As one of the few certified Brainwave Entrainment Engineers on the planet, I can state with certainty that there is no truer or deeper method of brainwave entrainment shared – publicly or otherwise– nor provided with more consideration for the ‘end user’ experience. Every aspect of these recordings and the technology behind them has been carefully designed to produce the greatest cognitive benefits for our customers. My goal is to bring the proven benefits of properly engineered brainwave entrainment into every home.” -- Morry Zelcovitch

What is entrainment?

Entrainment is a principle of physics. It is defined as the synchronization of two or more rhythmic cycles. The principles of entrainment appear in chemistry, neurology, biology, pharmacology, medicine and more.

While working on the design of the pendulum clock in 1656, Dutch scientist Christian Huygens found that if he placed two unsynchronized clocks side by side on a wall, they would slowly synchronize to each other. In fact, the synchronization was so precise not even mechanical intervention could calibrate them more accurately.

More recently, audio entrainment gained recognition and awareness through Mozart’s classical music. The concept of the “Mozart effect” was described by French researcher, Dr. Alfred A. Tomatis, in his 1991 book – “Pourquoi Mozart?” (Why Mozart?). He used the music of Mozart in his efforts to “retrain” the ear, and believed that listening to the music presented at differing frequencies helped the ear, and promoted healing and the development of the brain.

So how does entrainment apply to our brains?

At any point in time during the day, your brain will be operating at one or more of the following ‘brainwave’ states:

What do we mean by ‘brainwaves’?

‘Brainwaves’ are produced as the billions of neurons in our brains transmit action potentials down their axons to the synapses where they trigger the release of neurotransmitters. These action potentials are essentially electrical charges that are passed from neuron to neuron.

By placing sensors on the scalp through the use of electroencephalograph technology (an EEG machine), researchers can detect not the individual firings of neurons—they are far too small and numerous to differentiate—but the sum total of this electrical activity, dubbed ‘brainwaves’ for their cyclical nature as shown in the diagram above.

Do we get the most out of our brainwaves?

One of the problems with modern society is that we tend to ‘drive’ our minds in such a way that our brainwaves remain in the Beta level seen in the diagram above. We live in a continually stressed out state of what we refer to as “Beta frazzle”. Most people tend to rush around, think too much, multi-task and frequently overload their minds with stressful thoughts. At the other end of the spectrum, some people hardly use their minds or challenge themselves at all. Unfortunately most people have very little natural control over their dominant brainwave state and hence can’t easily access the significant benefits provided by the other brainwave levels seen in the diagram above (Alpha, Theta or Delta).

Properly engineered brainwave technology, however, can influence your brainwaves by providing an audio stimulus that, so long as the necessary conditions are met, can guide your dominant brainwave state to the desired frequency. This is significant, as the combination of the right audio technology and a set of headphones can provide an access point to positively influence your cognitive function and achieve beneficial states such as deep relaxation, enhanced memory and mental performance or increased energy, focus and motivation.

Through over 40 years of research, we have developed specialized pulsed tones that are unparalleled in their ability to stimulate and entrain your brain in this way.

What happens in the brain when we listen – the Cortical Evoked Response:

When the brain receives an audio stimulus through the ears and auditory pathways, it emits an electrical charge in response, called the Cortical Evoked Response (shown below). These electrical responses are then processed throughout the brain to become what you hear.

When rhythms that resemble natural internal brainwave states are presented to the brain, the brain will synchronize its own electric cycles producing comparable states of mind – such as deep relaxation or heightened wakefulness. This tendency of the brain to tune in to and match to the external stimulus’ frequency is a phenomenon known in scientific terms as the Frequency Following Response (“FFR”).

It is worthy to note here that your brain will never get used to our audio entrainment recordings. It will continue to respond to them as a result of this FFR. The FFR does not go away with use or time and is not affected by how many times it’s activated – it is always there.

What is happening at a neurological level with our entrainment technology?

In order for effective entrainment to occur, a constant, repetitive stimulus of sufficient strength to ‘excite’ the thalamus must be present (the thalamus is our sensory relay center within our midbrain). The thalamus (specifically, the medial geniculate nucleus within the thalamus as seen in the diagram below) then passes the stimuli onto the sensory-motor strip, the neo-cortex in general and associated processing areas such as the auditory cortices in the temporal lobes and the pre-frontal cortex.

Through listening to our unique technology, the brain is pushed to create new neural pathways, changing patterns of perception and information transfer, thereby creating new ways of experiencing your surroundings and dealing with stress. It is at this stage when the benefits of properly engineered brainwave entrainment have a genuine effect.

This diagram shows the neural pathways of hearing. Sound passes through the ear into the cochlea where the auditory nerves are located. The signals from these nerves are carried down to several locations. One is called the superior olive. In the superior olive, the minute differences in the timing and loudness of the sound in each ear are compared, and from this you can determine the direction the sound came from. Another point is the medial geniculate of the thalamus (a relay point) from where auditory information is then transmitted to the main cortex and the auditory cortex simultaneously. 

Entrainment only occurs from the thalamic relay point (from the medial geniculate nucleus) and not through the olivary bodies where traditional forms of brainwave entrainment technology such as ‘Binaural Beats’ are heard.By definition, entrainment occurs when the brain wave frequency duplicates that of the stimuli, whether audio, visual or tactile (Siever, 2003) as can be seen on an EEG.

It’s critical that the brainwave entrainment technology you listen to must meet both the physiological criteria (the actual cortical evoked response) and the psychological criteria (a person’s mental acceptance of the tones) to be effective. This combination is where Active Minds Global’s specialty lies and why our products have such a positive effect on our listeners.

So what’s so special about "The Morry Method" audio technology?

Through literally 40 years of research and development, we have engineered specific pulsed tones that are rather remarkable in their ability to have a positive entrainment effect on the human brain.

  • Our technology ONLY uses the most powerful monaural and/or isochronic tones and we engineer them in a unique way using high fidelity audio equipment to ensure the listener receives a much stronger cortical evoked response than with other products. We have a strict policy against using Binaural Beats technology, which is commonly used with other inferior products.
  • Our audio tones are the ‘cleanest’ you will ever listen to and don’t have clicks, pops, scratches or other interfering sounds that would reduce beneficial effects.
  • The precision we take in setting the spacing between the peaks and troughs of our pulsed tones and the consistency in how we do this is unsurpassed by any other provider. This factor is as important to the benefits you receive as just about anything else.
  • We include a specially crafted form of background noise that is designed to enhance the entrainment effect. Every single background sound you hear is intentionally presented to optimize the benefits you will receive
  • We have over 40 years of experience as to what precise brainwave frequencies produce the greatest benefits for our listeners.

There are very few other audio entrainment producers globally who adopt anything close to our approach. Most others create their audio tracks on simple computer programs and add music, spoken word and even nature sounds to their tracks, all of which can substantially negate the positive effects. You can therefore take comfort that you are choosing the very best audio entrainment products available globally.

What about the scientific research?

In the following review article, 20 studies on Brainwave Entrainment were reviewed recently:

“A Comprehensive Review of the Psychological Effects of Brainwave Entrainment” by Tina L. Huang, PhD; Christine Charyton, PhD Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine; Sep/Oct 2008; 14, 5; Research Library pg. 38.

Here is a direct quote from the article’s conclusions:

“Findings to date suggest that BWE [Brainwave Entrainment] is an effective therapeutic tool. People suffering from cognitive functioning deficits, stress, pain, headache/migraines, PMS and behavioral problems benefited from BWE.”

In terms of our own technology, a Brazilian government official contacted Morry several years ago about the possibility of using our underlying technology to help with such things as post-traumatic stress disorder, work related efficiency, and many other factors and facets of everyday life in the Brazilian armed forces and military police.

The Brazilian government commissioned a research study which involved the exclusive use of Morry’s recordings in a major university research project. The findings of this study concluded that Morry’s technology not only helped Officers’ fulfill their daily duties in a more efficient, effective and healthful manner, but also helped with major stress indicators in the performance of otherwise very stressful and even dangerous duties.

Other researches have shown that chronic stress will literally shrink your brain, induce neural cell death and contribute to Alzheimer's disease. It is so important to reduce your chronic stress in order to improve your ability to have optimal cognition.

Our technology is a perfect tool to help you neuralise stress, quickly and effectively shift from a state of distress to one of peace and calm. This is very important for your mental and emotional well-being, especially during these uncertain times.

Introducing: The RevitaMind System

RevitaMind and RevitaMind Ultra® have been optimally formulated to meet the needs of seniors, people recovering from illness, post-natal mothers and anyone else seeking to enhance their cognitive function and feel rejuvenated every day.

The recordings are not "music" in the traditional sense. They contain finely honed and sculpted frequencies that have been precisely arranged in such a way as to have profound benefits when used regularly with stereo headphones.

Track 1: Neural Agility

Duration: 27 mins

This is the foundation track of RevitaMind and is designed with a unique set of frequencies to support neural pathway growth, memory, cognitive function and mental endurance. It will also excellent for relaxing and providing a deeper sleep. It can be used in the evening or at night before going to sleep, or alternatively in place of a mid-afternoon power nap.

Track 2: Mind Revitalizer

Duration: 27 mins

This is an excellent complementary track to Neural Agility and is designed with a unique set of frequencies to support energy, vitality and reinforce your commitment to well-being. It can be used upon waking or anytime in the morning.

Track 3: Health Triplex

Duration: 27 mins

This track is supplementary to the two foundation tracks above and provides additional support for people with recurring health issues. It is a proprietary ‘triliminal’ audio track that contains unique affirmations operating on three levels within the brain with a background layer of our brainwave entrainment technology. With regular use it can help reinforce positive beliefs about your health and well-being. It is unlike any other positive reinforcement technology available and can also be remarkably effective with regular use.

Track 4: Happiness Triplex

Duration: 27 mins

Like Track 3, this optional track can be used to help reinforce beliefs about your happiness, optimism and positivity.

Track 5: Energy Boost

Duration: 14 mins

This bonus track can be used whenever you need a quick pick me up. It is an optional extra but you may find you really benefit from this whenever you use it.

Track 6: Tranquility

Duration: 30 mins

A bonus track designed to support those people suffering from anxiety related issues by guiding the brainwaves down to a specific frequency within the Alpha range known to calm the mind and effectively reduce anxiety.

You will get the following additional tracks if you buy the
The RevitaMind Ultra System 

Track 7 – Sensory Motor Rhythm (SMR)

Duration: 30 mins

This is one of 2 frequencies that is suspected as missing in people who exhibit cognitive decline. The idea is if we can retrain the brain to produce this frequency through brainwave entrainment then we may help to alleviate some of the associated issues.

Track 8 – Gamma Entrainer

Duration: 40 mins

This is the second of 2 frequencies that is suspected as missing in people who exhibit cognitive decline. The idea is if we can retrain the brain to produce this frequency through brainwave entrainment then we may help to alleviate some of the associated issues.

Track 9 – Cognition Base Tone

Duration: 60 mins

This is a unique track in that its’ goal is not to entrain. 40hz has been associated in some research as having potential benefits with respect to cognitive issues.

Special Audio-Visual Component – Cortical Cleaner

The “Cortical Cleaner” is based on cutting edge research showing that there may be a non-invasive way to help clear the amyloid protein that is believed to be a major contributor to the memory and other cognitive detriments common to Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline in general.

With regular watching and listening to “Cortical Cleaner”, you may be able to begin to benefit from this cutting-edge research today.

The 8 Hz Difference That Makes Remarkable Effects

One of the main innovations we bring to this system is that all the brainwave entrainment tracks have been tuned to a base frequency that can result in a more natural "sound" which could reveal numerous advantages for you over the traditional.

There are those who advocate that a simple change of tuning music from 440Hz (the standard in worldwide use since at least 1939) to 432Hz. can result in a more natural sound which could reveal numerous advantages.

Some feel it might help to make us happier, healthier and peaceful.

According to Brian T. Collins, a musician and researcher, the standard pitch (A=440 Hz) does not harmonize on any level that corresponds to cosmic movement, rhythm, or natural vibration. The classic masters, such as Mozart and Verdi, based their music on what is believed to be the natural vibration of A=432. There is only 8 vibrations per second (Hz) difference from the standard modern tuning of 440Hz, but this relatively small difference seems to have remarkable effects on our consciousness.

According to Richard Huisken, music tuned to 432 Hz is softer and brighter, giving greater clarity and is easier on the ears. Many people seem to experience more meditative and relaxing states of body and mind when listening to such music. The natural musical pitch of the universe gives a more harmonic and pleasant sound than 440 Hz.

It is true that if you Google this you will likely see as many articles claiming all of this is a crock as there are claiming its efficacy. That being said, when Morry tuned some of his entrainment tracks to 432Hz the effects and benefits were unmistakable.

Morry now shares this innovation with you, all the brainwave entrainment tracks in this system have been tuned to 432Hz.

The Revolutionary Alzheimer’s Protocol

This system has been recommended by Dr. Dale Bredesen who is internationally recognized as an expert in the mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

In fact, the foundation track of this system "Neural Agility" has been included in Dr. Bredesen's revolutionary Alzheimer’s protocol called "Recode" published in his New York Times Bestseller "The End of Alzheimer's - The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline". 

Here is what Dr. Bredesen said in his book: 

Listening to "Neural Agility" drives brain frequencies that are associated with relaxation and enhanced synaptic plasticity, the physiological basis for the formation of new memories. -- Quoted from New York Times Bestseller "The End of Alzheimer's - The First Program to Prevent and Reverse the Cognitive Decline of Dementia"

Dr. Dale Bredesen-leading Alzheimer’s specialist

Fast Action Bonus #1: Sleep Trainer  (A $97 Value)

For the Next  10 3 Customers only

It seems to be a little-known fact that quality of sleep is of the utmost importance when it comes to how you experience your life when you are awake.

As a matter of fact sleep quality can play a major role in cognition in general and may even play a role in clearing the brain of proteins that can literally gum up the works.

This recording is designed to help bring on sleep by quieting the mental "noise" that can adversely affect your quality of sleep.

Think calming thoughts, or nothing, while you drift off listening to these specially designed tones that lead you gently into a healthful and restful sleep state.

This recording actually guides you into your sleep cycle, helping to give you a head start on a restful and rejuvenating nights sleep.

Fast Action Bonus #2: Chakra Tuning System  (A $297 Value)

For the Next  10 3 Customers only

Everything in the universe is made of energy, this is an understanding that we must all except.

Something else that we must accept is that ideas like miracles, magic and the like are really nothing more than science that hasn’t been explained yet.

Long ago cultures that existed long before ours had an innate knowledge that all living things carried what might be called a life force within them. 

They found that there were centres of energy that moved within us all and this they called the seven chakras.

This energy that exists within the seven centres of the body is believed to spin and rotate.

In a healthy person it is thought that the seven chakras help to provide the right amount of energy to every part of your mind, spirit and body.

If however one or more of your chakras is to open and spins to quickly or conversely if it is too closed and spins to slowly then it is theorized that your health suffers.

By using this ancient knowledge we can now use modern science and thought to help us to connect with physical, emotional and indeed spiritual imbalances in such a way as to correct and empower them.

Once we have corrected these imbalances, we can then be in a position to bring our lives back into a healthy and harmonic pattern.

Fast Action Bonus #3: Alpha Flight V2  (A $97 Value)

For the Next  10 3 Customers only

Alpha Flight is one of the most famous “The Morry Method” recordings. The original 20mins version received tremendous positive feedback from users, and created unbelievable results. This is a 40mins extended version of the original Alpha Flight.

It can help you increase clarity, increase your sense of well-being, improve your memory, and more!

Fast Action Bonus #4: Quick Cleaning  (A $47 Value)

For the Next 20 13 Customers only

It is designed with new research in mind that shows promising results in studies that a specific frequency may help with reducing the Amyloid Protein in the brain that is believed to be a contributing factor in Alzheimer’s disease specifically, and cognative decline in general.

Listen to this recording at least once a day (preferably more often) in the morning, mid to late afternoon and/or evening.

Fast Action Bonus #5: The 4th Harmonic Schumann Resonance  (A $97 Value)

For the Next  20 13 Customers only

There's a special "healing blanket" of energy that surrounds the earth. It's an electrical tension of energy that vibrates at extremely low frequencies called Schumann Resonance.

Some research indicates that when test subjects were deprived of these undulating energy waves, the result was emotional distress and migraine headaches. So it's very important you have access to Schumann Resonance for optimal health.

You can do it by simply listening to this Brainwave Entrainment recording. 

Fast Action Bonus #6: Quantum Programming  (A $197 Value)

For the Next 10 13 Customers only

Quantum Programming (2 recording set)

Module one: Brain Toner…

“Toning” is thought to literally massage the body and mind from the inside out.
“Toning” in this manner (as the recording starts and with it playing in the background) can help you focus and relax; release negative emotions; reduce stress; and improve your stamina and concentration.

“Toning” can also help relieve tension quickly and prepare your brain for the rest of the recording.“Toning” is thought to restore balance and harmony to the mind and body.

Following each “Tone” below are words that will help you pronounce the “tone”accurately along with descriptions of possible attributes or perceptions that can help you with your intention while you are practicing your “toning”.

UU(As in "Who") Description - grounded, calm, relax, physical awareness.

OH(As in "so") Description - consciousness self-image, identity, self-confidence, individuality

AH(As in "par")Description - centered, expand, pleasant emotions, heartwarming

EY(As in "hey")Description - self-expression, communication, attention

EE(As in "see")Description - energize, awakening, mental and physical stamina

MM(humming with your lips closed)Description - balance, harmony, integration

Module Two: Thought Process Upgrade

This recording and exercise specifically deal with…Abundance – Success – Prosperity – Self Worth – Healing – Love

Set up the “Thought Process Upgrade” recording, put on your headphones and press play, then begin writing out any 10 of the affirmations in the manual (pen or pencil to paper; no tablets, smartphones or computers) a total of twice each, then lay down, close your eyes and allow the rest of the recording to play to completion. If for any reason writing is not possible, then speak the affirmations out loud 3 times each instead.

When we put a pen/pen to paper (write by hand), we actually create new neural pathways and it is thought that the content of what is written may also be imprinted within that pathway. In a very real sense, you can use this system to help reprogram yourself!

What Our Early Users Are Saying About RevitaMind and RevitaMind Ultra

“I never knew that something that sounds like a lawn mower/helicopter could do so much for me.”

I never knew that something that sounds like a lawn mower/helicopter could do so much for me! After listening to the recordings for just a few days, I’ve noticed:

  • My focus and concentration is MUCH better – like my brain has been “defragged”
  • I feel like I’ve had an intense power nap after each short session
  • I require less sleep and get a more sound sleep than usual and don’t wake up groggy
  • I have more energy to get things done
  • I’m not chronically irritated anymore
  • I feel much better in general
CJ Hedrick

“I now have and retain my memories back to when I was a small child."

“Your Programs have done wonders for me. 20 years ago I had Guillian Barre Syndrome that left me with a very cluttered mind. I was not able to put my thoughts together hardly at all. I lost virtually all of my memory prior to the disease. I was also left with some nerve damage in other parts of my body.

Now after two months of using your programs, I not only have very clear thought process but I now have and retain my memories back to when I was a small child. Morry I can’t tell you how grateful I am for you and your work.

To all that read this Testimonial, I would like to offer an opinion NOT MEDICAL of course. After using these programs any person can get great value out of this system but if your mind seems confused, or if you have any type of Dementia I would seriously suggest this system to help."

Ross Joyner

“After about a week my mood evened out and became very smooth"

I purchased your program quite some time ago. I have only recently settled down and started listening as per the schedule given. I’ve listened everyday for the last month and there has been a significant shift in my mood.

I have suffered depressive episodes for most of my adult life and after about a week my mood evened out and became very smooth. It has remained stable, and in fact, continues to improve.

I am becoming more organized and I’m accomplishing things much quicker. Less procrastination. I am enjoying my life so much more and I am so grateful for the improvements. I have a feeling things will continue to improve as I continue listening. Thanks so much!


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We're so absolutely sure that The RevitaMind System and The ReviatMind Ultra System will help you improve your cognitive function and enhance the quality of your life. We're offering an unconditional, NO-question-asked 60-day money back guarantee.

If for whatever reason "The RevitaMind System" or "The ReviatMind Ultra System" does not satisfy you in any way, simply send us an email or give us a call within 60 days from your purchase and we'll refund you right away!

The missing link in your wellness regime

100% Guaranteed Way To Improve Your Cognitive Function, Have Better Memory and Concentration and Start To Transform Your Entire Life!

The RevitaMind System



  • Track 1: Neural Agility
  • Track 2: Mind Revitalizer
  • Track 3: Health Triplex
  • Track 4: Happiness Triplex
  • Track 5: Energy Boost
  • Track 6: Tranquility
  • Bonus #1: Sleep Trainer
  • Bonus #2: Chakra Tuning System
  • Bonus #3: Alpha Flight V2
  • Bonus #4: Quick Cleaning
  • Bonus #5: The 4th Harmonic Schumann Resonance
  • Bonus #6: Quantum Programming

Total Value: $1,114

For One Time Payment of $197 Only

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Secure Payment

More Testimonials 

“I have to definitely admit that yours is the best in terms of the effectiveness"

I have been using your program for the past 1 year and I have to admit that this program is the best I have ever seen in terms of the benefits it gives me.Also I have tried many of those Binaural products that’s always available on the net, and I have to definitely admit that yours is the best in terms of the effectiveness.After using it for all these days, I feel more energetic, more calmer like never before, increased concentration and getting good grades in my college!

All of the credits goes to Morry for his wonderful program


“Since then, his mind has become quicker & he doesn’t hesitate as much as he did to find the right words"

I ordered the set of recordings two years ago this month. They have been well worth the money. We have listened to them almost every day since then.

Before we started using the system, my husband who was 72 at the time was hesitating to find the right word when talking. Since then, his mind has become quicker & he doesn’t hesitate as much as he did to find the right words. As he is shy, he gets nervous when talking to others & it isn’t as apparent to them as it is to me.

My learning ability has also accelerated. I learn much faster & read & comprehend much quicker.

Our outlook on life & way of looking at things has changed so much these last two years, I don’t know what kind of life we would have had without Morry. I’m glad I found him & didn’t have to find out.


“The results after the first couple of weeks have been nothing short of miraculous"

Due to the constant stresses of my finances, work and the world in general, I found myself in a constant state of mild depression over the last couple of years.

The results after the first couple of weeks have been nothing short of miraculous. My depression and brain fog are gone. My reading speed and comprehension have at least tripled. I love reading while listening. My memory is back and its sharper than it has ever been. My perception of people and the world around me has expanded in ways I really can’t explain. It sounds really corny, but I feel like I’m looking at the world with a new set of eyes. I know it sounds unbelievable, but it’s all 100 percent true.


The missing link in your wellness regime

100% Guaranteed Way To Improve Your Cognitive Function, Have Better Memory and Concentration and Start To Transform Your Entire Life!

The RevitaMind System



  • Track 1: Neural Agility
  • Track 2: Mind Revitalizer
  • Track 3: Health Triplex
  • Track 4: Happiness Triplex
  • Track 5: Energy Boost
  • Track 6: Tranquility
  • Bonus #1: Sleep Trainer
  • Bonus #2: Chakra Tuning System
  • Bonus #3: Alpha Flight V2
  • Bonus #4: Quick Cleaning
  • Bonus #5: The 4th Harmonic Schumann Resonance
  • Bonus #6: Quantum Programming

Total Value: $1,114

For One Time Payment of $197 Only

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Secure Payment

Frequently Asked Questions

It seems too good to be true. How do I know it will work?

How do I know your products are the very best available?

It seems interesting but what if I don’t have the time to listen?

 Is our technology safe to use?

How can I maximize the benefits of your products?

Do you recommend a particular type of headphone?

Can I place a bulk order for my school, workplace or retirement village at a discounted price?

Why haven’t I heard about this kind of technology before?

Does your technology rely on self-hypnosis, or the placebo effect?

What do the recordings sound like?

 How long before I notice results?

How does your money back guarantee work?

How long should I continue to listen for?

Why shouldn’t I copy the recordings to a friend?

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